
I have cat people.

"No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, 
and no amount of masking tape 
can ever totally remove his fur from your couch."
- Leo Dworken

I am a cat person. Aside from friends who also love lattes, art, homeschooling . . . I have cat people. If I have a "tribe" then cat people are my largest tribe. I began cat blogging years ago and became part of a greater community of cat bloggers in The Cat Blogosphere. (topic for another time)

It's a tight-knit group, a trusting group, a generous group, a loving group. My cat blogging buddies span the globe. I think I've connected with cats from every continent except Antarctica. We've celebrated together - marriages, missing pets returning home, and the adoption of my daughter. And we've mourned together when there were job losses, human injury, or global tragedies. It is especially sad when I hear about the loss of a furry companion in my cat blogging community. I learned of such a loss yesterday.

Mao & Skeezix - photo by Karen Nichols

The great meezer (Siamese) "Maobert" has crossed the "Rainbow Bridge". He was a handsome mancat, a snarky mancat, and though he gave the impression of irritation around other cats, he really loved his furry housemates, especially his buddy Skeezix the Cat, who crossed the bridge in 2013. Mao, Skeezix, and their other housemate, Rocky the Gutter Cat (RIP 2010), brought endless love, humor and joy into the hearts and homes of other bloggers. Their humans are deeply devoted to their furry family and I mourn their loss with them.

Rocky, Skeezix, Mao - photo by Karen Nichols

If my own cats have a "tribe" - Mao and his buddies are part of that tribe. And while we mourn these losses, we also celebrate the love, humor and joy. I am touched by the outpouring of support I see from my fellow cat bloggers, especially during this time of loss for my fellow blogger and her husband, who have lost 3 of their snuggly balls of purr in such a short span of time. I'm sending my virtual hugs, purrs, and headbutts.

I am proud to be part of this supportive community. Cat bloggers rock!

Rocky, Skeezix, and Mao - I hope you're all ripping up some furniture, chasing mice, getting high on catnip and having a fabulous reunion - my fur boys will meet up with you again some day, on the other side of the bridge. 


  1. I am so sad to hear this. I am sending hugs and purrs to the family.

  2. We're so sad to hear the news about Mao. Purrs to Miss Karen and Mr. TF.

  3. We're so sorry to hear about Mao. We're sending comforting purrs and hugs.

  4. Oh, no! Another legendary cat has left us. So sorry for the Food Lady and Mr. TF.

  5. You're right, it's a tribe. I still recall the worries when your Meezer went on walkabout. Mao's people have been through too much. I send them love, light and good purry feels.

  6. We are sad Karen & Mr. TF have lost Mao. :(

  7. Yep, we have made friends around the world through the CB. I was sad to read about Mao today. Another piece of the "good ol' days" gone.

  8. This is such sad news - so hard to lose more than one cat so close together.


  9. Just spoke to Karen and Jeff. I am so sad to hear that Mao is at the Bridge. So sad.

    1. I just can't stop thinking about them today. 3 classic cats, gone. I'm also thinking about my boy Jeter. Give him a big hug for us.
