
Mother's Day - No Muss, No Fuss

I don't celebrate Mother's Day in the traditional way. We usually go out to dinner, but I am not a fan of the pre-fix menus. I think they're overrated and overpriced. I'm not saying moms aren't worth it, but I don't think you should have to pay more just because it's a special day. I don't like the big crowds or having to make reservations so far in advance. So, we typically go out to dinner or lunch on the Saturday prior. No muss, no fuss. I also don't need a greeting card that costs $5 that's going in the recycling bin shortly after. I'd rather spend that on a nice glass of wine. No gifts for me - I have plenty of jewelry, clothes, etc. and the because we have indoor cats, there's no use in paying big bucks for flowers that are going to be hidden away where I can't see them to prevent the cats from shredding them. I know my husband and child appreciate me in my role as a mother - I don't need the fluff. This year my child wants to cook a nice dinner at home on the actual day. And all I ask is to have "me" time - to sleep in, read a book, nap with the cats, watch TV - basically do what I want, by myself. That's how I regenerate . . . so I can continue being the best mom I can be.

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